Monday, June 22, 2009

June 16, 2009

It was my first day in school. I woke up at 5:30AM and proceeded to take a shower. Brr. It was so cold! But I got through it and dressed up. I had breakfast at around 6AM with Laude, Jara, Riza, and Cha. I think those are their names 'cause I have a hard time remembering names. Anyway, we left the dorm at 7:30AM and rode a Toki jeepney.

I arrived at my first class (BIO 1) on time. I was really excited but it turned out that the professor isn't there so we were dismissed early. My second class was PE 1 in Vanguard, room 206. The teacher was really nice. His name was Chino Espino. I also met four new people: Sheila, Matt, Noel, and Justin. They're my groupmates in PE. My last class for this day was Biotechnology. I rode a Toki jeepney and reached my class late. Grr. I'll just have to walk to the building next time since the jeepney has to go around the campus. It was sort of boring, not my style, but the professor was awesome. Yeah.

I arrived in the dorm a little after 1PM and ate my lunch alone. I still don't have a placard, just like in the morning. After lunch, I tried the internet connection in the lobby and I couldn't connect. Grr. I asked the girl at the counter and she said that I have to have a Webmail account and that surfing other websites besides U.P.'s was forbidden until 5PM. Another grr. So I went to the Computer Center to make an account. When I got there, figures! I needed my Form 5! I had to walk back to Kalayaan and get it... So walk walk walk. Got it! Then walk walk walk.


It was pretty tiring but after, maybe, ten minutes I had my Webmail account activated and voila! I'll have to try the internet connection again tomorrow night. I want to see my family so badly...

We had a dorm orientation at 7PM. It was fun and informative. However, one of the rules state that plugging in your laptop at the TV area is forbidden. Gah. I estimated the time I can spend online and it's roughly 30-45 minutes. Please, please, please! I want to see my family so much!

All through the day, my family was texting me. I feel so happy.

Oh yeah. The water tastes so bad, like it's chlorinated or something. Ack. It has a sharp taste to it. Ack. I miss distilled water so much!

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