Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Book Review - Emily Climbs by L.M. Montgomery

Rating: 10/10

Emily Climbs is just as delightful as the rest of Ms. Montgomery's works. Written mostly in diary-fashion, it is both charming and easy to read. The story of Emily Byrd Starr is deeply endearing that you find yourself attached to her and to her many misadventures. Her escapades with Ilse, arguments with Aunt Ruth, talks with Dean and Cousin Jimmy, literary ambitions, and her odd attachment to Frederick "Teddy" Kent will thrill readers of all ages. Ms. Montgomery packs her books beautifully with laughter and exquisite wonder.

It's been a long time since I have read Ms. Montgomery's books and Emily Climbs is a relief from the academics. Additionally, I find it close to my heart because our star has entered school in Shrewsbury and boards with her eccentric Aunt Ruth! Plus, she goes home on the week ends! How pretty, no? We are so much alike: in ambition and circumstance. This second novel contains so many lessons we all must learn.

(I only wish that I could have such nice experiences as hers. Oh well. Studying here, I think I might just have some...)

P.S. That is not the cover of my copy. I do wish that is the cover of mine. It is so nice and ornate and Emily-ish... But the Emily in my copy is more beautiful and womanly. ;)

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