Friday, November 20, 2009

Review of the Week

November 17, 2009

Ooookay. This is crazy. My P.E. is Scrabble and we're still required to buy P.E. uniforms? Like WTH... On the other hand, I still get the consolation of getting another U.P. souvenir. :)

November 18, 2009

Lingg 1 was fun today. We had a lot of laughs. Mr. Hernandez is a nicety nice teacher. :)) No, really. The subject is interesting, in particular. Why? Because language is unconscious and we never really think about what happens inside our mouth when we utter a particular sound. It's just so amazing, nee? Maybe you'll understand if you take the course. ;)

Kas 2 is... Okay, I guess. It isn't as boring as Kas 1 but whatever... It's history and it's not very likeable. XD

We had no classes for Eng 11 because Ms. Mata was sick.

November 19, 2009 is a very baaaaad day for me. Ged.

I had my first day of the thing-that-only-happens-to-women-once-a-month. My abdomen hurts so much and it chanced that it was the day for our major subject, Journ 100, which lasts for three hours (because we meet once a week). I was so shaking with pain that I can't really concentrate to what Ms. Tangi was saying. Thankfully, though, after going to the bathroom once to do who-knows-what I felt better. Haha.

Journ 100 was okay but it's history so I'm not that giddy... And the requirements... Book review with a minimum of 5 pages... An essay with a minimum of 7 pages for a final paper... First long quiz on December 17, day before the Lantern Parade... Reporting... GAH!! And the person who reported our topic last semester was the one who got the highest grade of 1.50, I think... 1.50! Highest grade! I am SHOCKed. XP

Anyway, life still goes on. I'm feeling good about Math 1 and Scrabble. Dunno why. XD

November 20, 2009

Lingg 1 is reaaaaaaally fun! Mr. Hernandez is a great teacher and the stuff he says is really interesting. I'm looking forward to more of Lingg 1 in the future. Also, Sharmaine and Fabz are two people I really enjoy talking to. We could talk about almost anything (mostly anime, though). Lingg 1 really got me thinking about language and all that shizz.

Okay. Kas 2 is boring. Like always.

We don't have Eng 11 to-day because Ms. Mata is sick... Which is probably because I prayed for it last Wednesday. XP

Anyway, because of that, I got to go home early. Yaaaaay! Buh-bye, dorm!

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