Monday, January 18, 2010

To the UPCAT passers

Welcome to the club! :)

You have just defeated the first boss, which is the UPCAT, and is now heading towards the next one. Don't worry 'cause there'll be friends to help you get through it all, such as your batchmates and your blockmates which you will soon meet. I just got around to writing something for you, guys. Just some tips to help you survive.

1. Don't be over your head... Yet. At least, not until you grab that summa cum laude!

2. Always do and pass projects and assignments before the deadline. Some professors give additional points to those who pass before the deadline.

3. Know your professor do's and dont's. An easy subject can seem hard because of a professor; a hard subject can seem easy because of a professor.

4. Buy yourself a calendar to take note of events.

5. HAVE FUN!! Have a blast studying at one of the best universities in the Philippines!


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