Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Exiled

Yes, that's right. In our class, there are actually five of us. Or possibly more. Who, you ask? Why, it's Crimson, Cassie, Roger, Angel, and I. Yes, that makes five of us.

I can't really understand why they don't invite us over to their little trip. That's just unfair, isn't it? If we were friends, they would ask us, even though we won't be able to come, right? I just don't get it.

I thought they had forgotten all about Roger's issue. But, as the case stands, I was wrong. They never forgot about it. And that's just a whole load of crap.

Hey, I'm not ranting here for myself. I'm ranting here for Roger and Angel. That simply wasn't fair. It will never be fair. They're just simple, quiet people who have never fought with them. Actually, they were the ones making up all of the fights and issues.

Sometimes, I just want to tell them to shut up and leave. They're just plainly irritating. I guess, maybe, this is the last straw. I had hoped before that they would learn how to forget the issue but I guess not. Yes, this is the last straw. I'll stop dreaming. I'll stop believing in them. Things will never be the same again.

But as for the three of us, we'll remain friends with Roger and Angel. I mean, why not? They're nice people. And it's extra exciting if you're friends with other outcasts. Heh heh. It's the five of us against all of them. Minus two from them, maybe.

Lesson here? Don't judge others. It's not fair. All of us have our own rotten cores, hidden deep inside our hearts. It's not just Roger. It's not just Angel. It's not just Crimson. It's not just Cassie. It's not just me. It's all of us. Got that?

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