Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Less reason to rejoice

It came from Seiji Mizushima (director of Gundam 00) directly. It was posted on Lockon's page in Wikipedia. He is considered KIA (Killed in action). I hope not... There is still hope, right? I mean, it's just the director and not the manga-ka... But I'm really worried... What if-- No, we must keep faith, no matter what.

Patrick Corlasawar is still alive. Alejandro Corner is really dead. Ali Al Saachez is alive. Graham Acre survived the blast and is now wearing a mask, a Gundam series trademark (Gundam SEED had Rau Le Creuset, Gundam SEED Destiny had Neo Roanoke)... It was only Hallelujah who died. Allelujah and Tieria are MIA (Missing in action). No news on Setsuna. Marina's handmaid left her for unknown reasons. Livonze calls himself the Innovator. Lasse Aion can still be alive. I hope all of them are safe. When October comes rolling in, I'll be afraid to watch it. But right now I'm giddy with suspense...

All this information came from Wikipedia. It's mostly accurate but I hope the bit about Lockon isn't... No offense on that...

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