Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hi! Today I finished reading two books: Ilustrado by Miguel Syjuco and K is for Killer by Sue Grafton. Thanks to the black out today, I managed to do so.

The last pages of Ilustrado was like walking in murky darkness or, ironically, swimming in muddy water. Gawd. At the very end, I didn't know who was really writing it. Gah. I can think of it all I like, and maybe I'll figure it out in a few days. Or not. Okay, so Miguel Syjuco really really really is a writer to be proud of. I love how he writes! It's so... Different. Quite unlike any foreign writer I've ever read. It's just special. I can, perhaps, compare it to another writer but I can't remember his/her name right now. I'll spend some time thinking about it. Ha, good luck with that!

Like I mentioned above, I managed to finish K is for Killer in one, hot, frickin' day. It was worth every minute. I just can't put it down! That's how exciting it was! PLUS (wait for it!) Cheney Phillips figures so much in Killer and no girl could ever resist Cheney Phillips. Trust me.

So, reviews will probably come up in a few days. Happy vacay! :>

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